
The World Of Broken Hearts

Elvis Costello

Every night you?ll find me in the only world i own.
It?s a crowded place that?s filled with people all alone.
It?s a place that i could write a book about.
When they let you in, you?ll find there?s no way out.
There you don?t get in, ?cause there?s no way out
There?s just no way out.
No way out when your in a world of broken hearts,
In a world of broken hearts,
Of broken hearts,
Of broken hearts.

Those who enter here are told to leave their dreams behind.
You may never get to sleep again, but you don?t mind.
It?s a place that i could write a book about.
When they let you in, you?ll find there?s no way out.
There you don?t get in, ?cause there?s no way out
There?s just no way out.
No way out when your in a world of broken hearts,
In a world of broken hearts,
Of broken hearts,
Of broken hearts.

In a world of broken hearts,
In a world of broken hearts,
In a world of broken hearts,
Of broken hearts,
Of broken hearts.

Till fade


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