
8th Floor

Regina Spektor

Compositor: Regina Spektor

no one waits for her inside the house
she spots a stranger in the mirror
and the record spins her nearer
to the outcome of her day
you live inside the city
you forget how tall the trees can get
a bird sits on a branch across
from my eighth floor window

and you can't really say
that it's an eight floor branch
cause trees don't have floors
and buildings do

Âîñüìîé ýòàæ
Âîñüìîé ýòàæ
Âñå âûñîêî
Âñå ïîä òîáîé

Âîò èäåò äîìîé
Êàðìàí ïóñòîé
Õîòü ìèëîñòûíþ ïðîñèòå
Òðè ðóáëÿ íà âîäêó è áóõàíêó áåëîãî õëåáà

À òåïåðü, íàâåðíîå, âñå äîðîæå
È äîðîæêè òå çàáûòû
À íàä íèìè ïàðóñà

Ïåðâûé ýòàæ
ß ìàëåíüêàÿ
Âñå âûñîêî
Âñå íàäî ìíîé

Âîñüìîé ýòàæ
ß âûñîêî
Âñå ïîäî ìíîé
ß âûñîêî...

I came in from the rain which
wasn't really rain it was just
january snow in denial
and something must have gotten lost
in the translation, russian to english
and winter wasn't wintery today

she comes into the house and no one
waits for her inside the house
she spots a stranger in the mirror
and the record spins her nearer
to the outcome of her day
you live inside the city
you forget how tall the trees can get
a bird sits on a branch of my eighth floor window


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