

The Rasmus

Now we're gonna talk about the postman,
who brings the paper in the morning,
who wakes up at the night to make his job right.
With his bike driving all around the city
delivers paper, oh isn't that pretty.
Seven o'clock paper every, every morning,
again 'n' again, I think it would be just boring.
About the weather cares he never ever damn.

Like a sunny weather coming by the time
is dirty water shall be warmer than another local people
and attraction will be generally empty to the mention
between buildings turning slow...

Now we're gonna talk about the Batman,
who lives in a cave with the Robin,
who wakes up at the night to make his job right.
With his fellow little Robin in the city
catches robbers, oh isn't that pretty.
Number one of the enemies is Joker
who's in the jail with his friends playing poker.
About men cares he never ever damn.


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